Why You Should Pay Attention to Contact Expiration Dates

Contact lenses are one of the most popular forms of vision correction. But wearing  contact lenses in Corinth, MS requires a certain amount of responsibility for one’s own eye health. One of the ways that we at Corinth Eye Clinic help our patients with at-home contact lens care is to provide cleaning instructions and recommend the best contact lens cleaning solutions. But we’ve found that the most common error when it comes to wearing contact lenses has less to do with cleaning than with expiration dates.

What Happens With New Contact Lenses

When a person gets a new pair of contact lenses, they come in a box with a stamped expiration date on the box. The manufacturer is required to provide this. But after the box is opened and the new contact lenses are taken out of their sealed containers, the person usually stores the contact lenses in a contacts case. That’s all well and good, but that separates the expiration date from the lenses. Unlike things like ketchup bottles and packaged meats, it’s not like the person can look at their contact lens storage case and find the expiration date.

The Dangers of Ignoring Contact Expiration Dates

The expiration date of contact lenses has to do with the date when degradation of the lens may begin. This means the material that the lens is made of doesn’t last forever. Old contacts that are past their expiration date may no longer meet the prescription that your optometrist in Corinth, MS provided for you. The degradation of the material may even make the contact lens harmful to your eyes if worn.

Tips For Keeping Track of Contact Expiration Dates

We have a few tips for you to try:

  • Use a marker to write the date of expiration on the bottom of the storage case as soon as you start using that case.
  • Write the date in your calendar.
  • Schedule a contact lens exam for the date of expiration, so you can get an up-to-date prescription at the same time.

Caring for your eye health at home means making sure you don’t put anything potentially bad into your eyes, including expired contact lenses. To learn more, please contact us today.

Inherited Retinal Disease Testing

3 Ways to Treat Digital Eye Strain

With all the devices we own, it’s easy to get sucked into the screen. Whether you use them largely at home or at work, the reality is that it’s easy to lose hours without even realizing you haven’t taken a break. Below, we’ll look at the effects of digital eye strain and a few ways to treat it.

Digital Eye Strain in Corinth

Digital eye strain can start off as barely noticeable and end with headaches, blurred vision, and general eye fatigue. If that sounds familiar, it’s likely because you need to back off your screen time.

Dry Eyes vs. Digital Eye Strain

If the symptoms of dry eye and digital eye strain sound similar, that’s because they are. However, dry eyes refer to the quality of your tear production. So, while you may notice that your eyes are dry after staring at a screen all day, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have dry eyes.

How to Treat Digital Strain

For those who need a computer to do their jobs, it’s not always easy to avoid the strain. If you’re wondering how to best treat digital eye strain in Corinth, MS, we’ll look at the top tips:

  • Set better limits: This is more than taking a 15-minute break every two hours. You should ideally be limiting your screen time to less than two hours per day at home.
  • Add moisture: Whether in the form of artificial tears or a humidifier, more moisture can help you keep your eyes lubricated between breaks.
  • Reduce the glare: Anti-glare screen protectors can help you protect your eyes, but you can also reposition your equipment (e.g., away from natural light, etc.) to reduce the amount of glare.

Visit an Eye Doctor in Corinth

If you’re concerned about digital eye strain, an eye doctor in Corinth can help you get a better handle on how your eyes respond to different stimuli. At Corinth Eye Clinic, our talented staff can give you the recommendations you need to keep your eyes as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

Pediatric Eye Exam

5 Common Childhood Eye Problems to Know

Many adult eye problems often begin in childhood, and early intervention and treatment may prevent or lessen the severity of these issues. At Corinth Eye Clinic, we offer pediatric eye exams in Corinth, MS, beginning at age six months, and any age thereafter. These exams focus on common childhood eye problems, and include tests for visual acuity, lazy eye, 3D vision, color vision, uneven tracking and more. Here are X common childhood eye problems to be aware of:

1. Amblyopia

Known as lazy eye, amblyopia is a condition where the muscles of one eye are working harder than the other. This results in poorer vision in the lazy eye. Early intervention has shown to be highly effective in improving the situation.

2. Ptosis

Known more commonly as drooping eyelid, this condition is often congenital, but it can also develop later in life. In severe cases, the field of view may be blocked, but early diagnosis and treatment can help.

3. Refractive Errors

The eyes of many children may develop refractive errors as the child grows, resulting in nearsightedness or farsightedness. There are several treatments available to help mitigate this error in refraction, so that the severity is lessened, and the eyesight is better preserved.

4. Conjunctivitis

Pink eye is common in childhood. It involves an inflammation in the delicate conjunctiva, which is the thin layer covering the white part of the eye. Cases can range from mild to severe, and early diagnosis and treatment can both lessen the severity and the duration of this infection.

5. Color Blindness

A child may have color blindness and not realize that their sense of color is any different than anyone else’s. A pediatric eye exam can detect this condition so that the child and parents can better adapt and take steps toward awareness and treatment.

Childhood eye problems like the ones listed above can negatively affect a child’s health and development in several ways, including hesitancy to socially engage with peers, frustration at not being able to see, read or perform well at sports and other activities, dwindling self-confidence and poor academic achievement. Don’t let hidden vision problems hinder your child’s development. Book a pediatric eye exam today with a pediatric eye doctor in Corinth, MS.

Dry Eye Treatment

What Conditions Does Medical Eye Disease Testing Cover?

When you get medical eye disease testing in Corinth, MS at Corinth Eye Clinic, your optometrist has access to a range of diagnostic results to use for detecting dangerous conditions that threaten your vision. Not only will your eye doctor be able to offer treatment plans, but the optometrist may be able to provide early detection, which is always a positive factor in terms of outcome. Here are some of the conditions that medical eye disease testing covers:


Glaucoma is an insidious eye condition that often has no visible symptoms for the person. Yet, it threatens eyesight because it can lead to blindness unless detected and treated as early as possible. Millions of people around the world have some stage of glaucoma. With medical eye disease testing, early detection and treatment is possible.

Macular Degeneration

Medical eye disease testing is especially helpful for older patients who may be experiencing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This condition negatively impacts the macula of the eye, which is the part responsible for clarity of vision. With retinal imaging and optical coherence tomography—part of medical eye disease testing—progression can be slowed and vision may be preserved.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a secondary condition that often happens to patients who have diabetes. It’s especially dangerous when the underlying diabetes has not been diagnosed or treated, or is not being actively managed. With the help of medical eye disease testing, the earliest signs of diabetic retinopathy may be detected, which can help to stop its progression and save eyesight.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment can happen suddenly for a variety of reasons, including ones that can’t be predicted, such as eye trauma and motor vehicle accidents. But sometimes there are early indicators that the retina is in danger of detachment due to underlying eye health problems. That’s where medical eye disease testing can be incredibly helpful, through early detection, diagnosis and treatment.

Whether or not you have any underlying conditions that threaten eye health, and no matter the age, you should strive to get medical eye disease testing at least once a year. Contact your Corinth, MS optometrist at Corinth Eye Clinic today to book your appointment.

What Is Neurolens? What To Know

Misaligned eyes are a more common problem than many people are aware of. If you have this problem, your eye doctor in Corinth, MS can help. At Corinth Eye Clinic, we help patients who are struggling with eye misalignment by providing Neurolens glasses. Neurolens glasses are the first to help correct eye misalignment. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Neurolens?

Neurolens glasses are glasses that help correct eye misalignment. Neurolens glasses are available to patients with a prescription, and use a contoured prism to correct eye misalignment problems. To ensure that each patient is properly prescribed Neurolens glasses, doctors must perform a series of special tests before writing a prescription.

Benefits of Neurolens

There are many benefits of Neurolens glasses. Patients who have eye misalignment often experience a range of symptoms. These symptoms can impact their daily life and can lead to poor quality of life overall. Wearing Neurolens glasses helps patients reduce these negative symptoms.

Who Needs Neurolens?

You may be able to benefit from Neurolens glasses if you have eye misalignment. This means that your eyes aren’t functioning in sync with one another. If you need Neurolens glasses, you’ll likely notice the symptoms that indicate your eyes aren’t working synchronously. Below are some of the symptoms to watch for:

  • Blurry vision
  • Eye pain
  • Motion sickness
  • Difficulty driving
  • Eye strain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Double vision
  • Anxiety
  • Feelings of vertigo or being off-balance
  • Eye fatigue
  • Difficulty tracking words when reading
  • Clumsiness

If you have any of the symptoms above, you could have eye misalignment. Your eye doctor is the person who can tell you for sure if you need treatment for this problem, and if so, whether Neurolens is a good option for you.

How Can You Get Neurolens?

If you believe you could benefit from Neurolens in Corinth, MS, contact your eye doctor at Corinth Eye Clinic. Not every eye doctor carries Neurolens glasses, so it’s important to contact us.

We use many tests to determine which patients are good candidates for Neurolens. Call us today to make an appointment for a Neurolens assessment.